Yeah Nostalgia is the Exaggeration and Exaggeration is? What about ~ Melancholy Darling? * Nostalgia as a feeling you...

Yeah Nostalgia is the Exaggeration and Exaggeration is? What about ~ Melancholy Darling? * Nostalgia as a feeling you...
We all Know the Truth Only have to remind Ourselves ~ of our Channel energy Is ~ forever expanding Intention, using...
“What’s She On?” Dancin’ on the beach at night “He’s getting it from up there ~” “I’m always horny on Class A’s” To be...
Unrequited Adoration ~ It’s Not, that’s your Want! Transmigration is not like a balloon ~ floating from life to life....
100% Brainwashed in a Chinese Laundry The Unsaid Is Known ~ Action is No Action Is actually the action Allowing the...
Shakti * Pachamama Kali is SPACE; Without it where would God be in Cosmic time? Girls who make LIFE ~ holding up the...
The Key ~ The Soil is the Magic Millions of Unclassified micro organisms Radioactive insects & Daisies giving...
Viscosity “Buddha didn’t want any Buddhism” ~ Why not liberate us all? Energetics breaking the old karma & making...
When Your Merkaba falls apart ~ Recreating of your electric magnetic bio body Baby Baba! Allowing Forces in your...
Partners Sharing What a Great gift we shared with our bodies, with our fires My Mind now becoming healed, freer from...
Same Space Falling into her eyes from the skies. Deeper flowing in the breath That Chi feeling ~ Heaven and Earth...
“I don’t see anything that’s Not Cosmic” I got 9.16gb of memory * of photos & videos of You & me but it’s not...