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Perfect Love ~ No Mind Articles

RIPPED It Off – by Corporate GB – Again &

RIPPED It Off - by Corporate GB – Again & Definitely A law unto themselves! Analogise Analogous Corresponding to being similar, same headlines, same source embedded. cosy wedded, those they should be Investigating. How convenient. Pertaining to or Implying. Who Is...

Eclogue in an emerald bog

Eclogue in an emerald bog Oceanid, joy of her father’s eye ~ Goddess of the rainbow. Iris plays her opalescent ocarina soothing the violent ‘Typhon’ Storm ‘More neurons with more connections between the ears’ Recoding sensibilities. Giving People something to Aspire...

Cognoscenti in an apple orchard

Cognoscenti in an apple orchard never felt a need to be contrite Hen pecked husband who gave up the ghost Contracting H5N1 reading a dirty saucy card That good old Protestant Work ethic helped them through the other 51 weeks of drudge couldn’t understand why they...

Whale Of An Intoxicated Elephant

Whale Of An Intoxicated Elephant Overcome by Loving Kindness be your own refuge, your own Island ~ gift Of Truth, Love and Understanding, Not a gagging Order ~ An exponent of Dhamma does not quarrel with anyone in the Universe “I don’t quarrel with the World, The...