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Life is simple ~ Sharing Loving Kindness from the heart

Life is simple ~ Sharing Loving Kindness from the heart

Whale Of An Intoxicated Elephant
Overcome by Loving Kindness
be your own refuge, your own Island ~
gift Of Truth, Love and Understanding,
Not a gagging Order ~
An exponent of Dhamma does not quarrel
with anyone in the Universe
“I don’t quarrel with the World,
The World quarrels with me”,
Antidotes and anecdotes for anger in Oneself,
“Life which All can take, but none can give”
“A wife is the highest friend of the husband” ‘
‘A Wife is complete ‘Freedom’
Path to Peace’ Magnanimity ~
Be Alert,
be Cosmic Mindful, Doctrine of Causality,
Double Dutch to a humble bee.
Worrying that they could use it
for their own ends