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Green Eve * Don’t Lose The Light Vortex Articles

Sold a pup, a pig in the poke

Sold a pup, a pig in the poke The Embrace, “I’m trying to ~” “Put it out of your Mind!” ‘To believe or not to believe’ ‘To Obey or Not to Pay’ Knowing Materialistic & Spiritual Realties difference ~ subtle not subtle ~ in multi * dimensional...

In the Garden of Eden with a throbbing Pineal Gland

In the Garden of Eden with a throbbing Pineal Gland Angelica How’s it Riding? Sigh gone to Ho Chi Minh City. “I’ll take Shakti anytime, put it right next to God” “Life is Love, Love is Life” “You deserve to be happy & I hate goodbyes” let images stream at their...

Not playing in your game Caesar

Not playing in your game Caesar. Systems & goals of dysfunctions, ask Socrates. Ask Gurus sitting on the shore to angels of Venus. Meditation on: ‘Death will take place’ for a start. Meditation on: Cosmic beingness in your heart. With you in the celestial summer...

The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants

The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants Seeing you in wonder off the battlefield All perfected ~ body is Immaterial. Sitting, feeling Kundalini ~ lava rising in your Yoni Individual Star crossed lovers of eternal entity Kama Sutra Yoga free from bondage, being...