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Pure Light ~ Cosmic Articles

A Sylph from Sybaris

A Sylph from Sybaris ‘You can’t have NO in your heart’ ‘Keep on Keepin on’ torrid trousseau of Rousseau Never give up she’s too beautiful “To tell you the truth brother.” Babble Babble avoid the rabble “Home is where you make it” Not where you’re Not making it”...

‘Divine Forbidden Fruit Star Mate’

‘Divine Forbidden Fruit Star Mate’ Abandoned By the Love of his Life, nearly died of a Broken heart! Enraptured, revealed “Beautiful, every day is Perfect” No fig leaf, for the ‘Unconditioned’ Full Light. Dissolving sweetness

No Propaganda Is ~ This is Not A Stimulator, Simulator, It’s Real, Real Consequences, Real Causes & Effects!

No Propaganda Is ~ This is Not A Stimulator, Simulator, It’s Real, Real Consequences, Real Causes & Effects! Isn’t bewilder meant to be wildering? Free festival free party free nature free love free will free creativity free view free vision free dream free...

Golden Arrows

Golden Arrows Rediscovered Samples of the Maestro Pasolini Troubadour of the Renaissance, Modernist ‘Il Principe Bene’, Shining in the chromium of Rome. Common sense of Myth and fable, cherished for its creative original, not censer of the Censor’s label. A Yogi of...