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Driving My Scooter Through The Asteroid Field Articles

Too Much Mind ~ Be Kind

Too Much Mind ~ Be Kind ‘But we got a Brain to train’ (beyond insane) ~ Don’t acknowledge it only physically! Of course no ambition, definition. It’s better defeating the Will Power. Surrendering to the beach time sunshine Is it so Important what You, really Think!?...

Goa @ Crystal Mantra

Goa @ Crystal Mantra Inspiration to live it regardless, fearless dauntless, of Bombs, panjandrums, ego centralisms “As soon as you look for you, you help yourself, You help look for Mother Earth, you’ll help her too” “Here as a Big Gift ~ “Have to Love Yourself, to...

We all Know the Truth

We all Know the Truth Only have to remind Ourselves ~ of our Channel energy Is ~ forever expanding Intention, using that Higher Frequency to support Healing Mother Earth Using that flow More & More * Crystalline snow ~ nurturing us keep working with that energy...

Trust ^ Babaette

Trust ^ Babaette “let the Relationship grow Relate in the moment ~ Relating Not a Relationship” And it’s Always new Russian girls are so alive, now (were so Suppressed) Indian children come running to you happy & (Unstressed) excited, still Pure Innocence,...