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Going back to stardust

Going back to stardust

Babies on Infra Pink Stars beyond Gravities of Mars
“There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me”
‘They made us think that it really matters’
even though you feel ~ mystical sounds of silence
You’re on a spiritual path ~ glowing spirals in her hair.
Psychedelic, Zen, abstract, haiku, super naturalness,
Thinking, decoding, Intellectuals, Associations,
conceptions of polarities, projections of extremities
Yin * Yanging stars in the firmament
It’s just consciousness being conscious
Illumination not limitation * elimination
Absolutely stormin’ Unpredictable, that’s where it lives,
horn in the head, Incandescent flames Can Cross Over
Landscapes of Psychedelia Cosmica ~
abstractions between your smiling, open wet lips, rosy cheeks,
caressing, gripping thighs of bioMagnetism * sparkling Love
Meteors arise
Sublimely, aimed through your heart. “I do”
Venus has perfect beaches ~ diamond stardust
falling in your flowing hairs, twinkling auras