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Land of the Free ~ Extraordinarily Rendered ~ Home of the Brave

Land of the Free ~ Extraordinarily Rendered ~ Home of the Brave

A ‘Blanket Party’!!
Everyone gets a Hit, Informal Codes
‘Life’s all about Peoples’ Lives you wouldn’t believe.
A Dear John Letter ~ from his girl, > Jumping Ship ~
Only 5% of US, have Passports, Memberships of ~
‘A bunch of Forest Gumps’ ~ ‘Fortunate Son’
“If a guy can’t throw a Punch, but he can kick you,
& you can’t see it, You’re gonna get Kicked!”
“Smoke Him Out” frat boy who wants to be a Cowboy.
The Charisma >‘Oil Is Oil’ >“All in Oil A Sales Job!
What Tomorrow brings, A Chimpanzee or a Democrat?
“The Chinese bought a lot of US shit! They Own You!
‘Money Is Money’ ~ as long as it all comes back as $$$
‘Free Expressions’ ~ the Ego Trickles Down ~ Effects
& 1% of Population’s in Prison, highest in the World!
A baby born in Jail every 6 hours! ‘Land of the Free’
Who’s Pushing those Buttons? “Pushing it Yourself!”
He’s All for evolving through the Soft Machine,
“Cryogenicise my Brain and shoot me to Venus”
‘What Works, What doesn’t Work’ In Science!
“When It Goes It Goes”