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It's all about MY Mind! ~ Feeling the Absolute

It’s all about MY Mind! ~ Feeling the Absolute

Herd Synchronicity
‘Switching to a better World’
“A lot of Sport is in the Mind” You don’t know my trip!
“When they come they’ll come for what you Love!”
US Collateral > “Shoot First Ask Questions later!”
Damage < “The wheels don’t come off do they?”
“Swimming over the wall into Theta waves ~ with Creation

Putting the Love download in the bubble and getting it….
Detox your Planet ~ if you believe in multi dimensionality.
Idea of a Phantasmagoria World ~ FLYING IN A DREAM.
Can’t accept any Absolute diagnosis ~ I like Full Holistic.
What’s your most + ve and most – ve experiences in Life?
Release all that negativity begin feeling All the Energy ~
The Integration of a beautiful person, new Inspiration.
“I don’t heal anything ~ I just set up the conditions
for People to heal themselves”~ Simple and natural.
Give yourself that Gift ~