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Poetry Articles

‘Life is a breeze’..

‘Life is a breeze’.. pchingpchingpchingtao te definitely an old soul all you can do is pray that your kids stay safe. Jupiter is all about expansion My time to fly ~ Had my Mercury in Sagittarius My Venus sits in Scorpio ‘hot as fuck’ Planet at my birth Scorpio...

The Interaction of Energies

The Interaction of Energies Krishna ~ ‘the Cause of All Causes’ Ordinary people came to know Why He appeared on Earth and Executed such Wonderful, Amazing acts. Come to know ‘bhakti’ ‘devotion’ Spiritual Consciousness. Relieving a person from all problems, their...

Imprint Blue Print

Imprint Blue Print Take the people and scrub them, every evening! Can’t cope with survival ~ And they believe it. Delusional insecure emotional hysteria ~ Losing your Mind, locked in a delusional thought pattern. Bring me a Common Sense, healthy human brain, not...

Diggeridoo 575

Diggeridoo 575 heal, clear ~ the light field harmony + ve loving energy From out of the brain, food ~ Oxygen Using Vibrations ~ breath and light energy healing the grosser body clearing the <> brain hemispheres in harmony, chakras open up connecting to the...