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Poetry Articles

Changing DNA

Changing DNA with a Tweak from the harmonic Cosmos ~ Flip * Lit up the Akashic Records Sound travels atom to atom ~ Tuned into the Seeds (Of Helen) of Troy to Heaven pulled in by the silent Angels harmonic convergence * It’s only a Reflection from the Inside ~ Out....

Associative Ideas on the Neuro Net

Associative Ideas on the Neuro Net Reflections in the mirror of memory ~ Who Am I? Nerve cells rewiring you on a daily basis, darling. Our long term relationship with other nerve systems ~ Growing which brain circuits (electrical mudras’ touch) With more certainty...

Blitzed by Bliss

Blitzed by Bliss Love is extreme imagination, feeling emotional energy. Updating the Psychic net, Access to Mind Blowing. Spiritual egoist marching, trying to Save the World! Rocket’s red glare glowing on a lovely altruistic, ballerina. Zipping up the Energy suit...

The Psychedelic School of Illumination

The Psychedelic School of Illumination ‘Unconventional’ Goa - He said, he crashed his Mind Went beyond the gross, living in the spirit dimension! I love the nature the sun the light the smiles, happy to be here. I’m at home, what’s the choice; Do you want a sweet...