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Cosmic Cards Articles

Pure ~ Union ~ Unborn (of time)

Pure ~ Union ~ Unborn (of time) Delusions, fucked-up, lustre, desire, greed, selfishness, bullshit, Ignorance, denial, hate, resentment, hypocrisy, Negativity, jealousy, misunderstanding, suffering, pride, rejection, loss, disdain, irresponsibility; Pure philosophy....

No Wing Diktat

No Wing Diktat “There was no time anymore ~ just me floating along” Why not give them away, sultry Cro ~ Magnon woman walking through a noetic land of enchantment and dinosaurs. You have a highly developed sense of beauty, erotic & exotic & are extremely...

Tapping Collective Unconscious

Tapping Collective Unconscious Writing a poem Singing a song dancing a dance with Life with Love with you to travel ~ forget the past now ~ streams of consciousness A poet’s ~ Elixir living in Tune. ‘Let us make Man in our own image’ Polytheists don’t even need the...


FORMLESS PASTE They’re going to have a futuristic War for Coconuts’ ~ water. Going into Fire, back to the elements, gets rid of the body fast! Sugar crystal telepathy ~ feeling Passion in her hot, wet Kisses. Kali eating you up ~ good for rising blood pressure &...