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To connect us, to make us realise ~ Not thinking being aware of your Presence

To connect us, to make us realise ~ Not thinking being aware of your Presence

No Wing Diktat
“There was no time anymore ~ just me floating along”
Why not give them away, sultry Cro ~ Magnon woman
walking through a noetic land of enchantment and dinosaurs.
You have a highly developed sense of beauty, erotic & exotic
& are extremely intelligent, visiting the Acropolis, Theseion, Temple of Jupiter, the tomb of Socrates, Heliopolis, Giza.
“It was poetic and of no time or place known to man
The boat itself was the only link to reality”
“At that moment I was Free of possessions, Free of all ties,
Free of fear and envy and malice” “Out of this fiery anarchy came the lucid healing metaphysical speculations which today enthrall the world” Henry Miller at the Colossus of Maroussi.
“I could have passed quietly from one dream to another,
owning nothing, regretting nothing wishing nothing”
“Magic is never destroyed the most we can do is cut
ourselves off, amputate the mysterious antennae
which serve to connect us with forces beyond our
Power of Understanding”
“Being communicated over and above language,
over and above personality;
something Magical which we recognise in dream”
“I had everything a man could desire & I knew it”
My blood was roaring with desire, full of pollination.
Went to the roots of a wild Olive bowed before a fruitless War
‘Streptococcus Pneumoniae’ living inside a bacteria haze.
Smoking chillums “keeping your mantra” transcendence.
So why bother, why do it? ‘got married on the battlefield’ Kaleidoscopic wizardry, breaking the magic spell of language
‘Succeeding in destroying the power of illusion’ took nice trip.
‘Near death’ experience, Sphinxes telling us to Snap out of it!
deeper harmonies, deeper fulfillment, deeper joy in you.
How to be Fully Spirituality is balance