Burn it at Sea “I use the drugs to entertain myself” Promotion ~ E motion in motion. This way it gives it a Special...

Burn it at Sea “I use the drugs to entertain myself” Promotion ~ E motion in motion. This way it gives it a Special...
Perfect nightmare but I’m not in a mess as before doing it with an open heart ~ What we have in Common You cannot do...
‘The Delight Factor’ Getting more than Expected ~ Her sari never ended! Accepted the futility and Illusion of it All....
Oread’s Paean Saffron Shake Saffron Cake Saffron flake Saffron gown Saffron fields of energy Beautiful Madness...
Free Diving on the other side of the frequency galaxy ~ To Unlearn The ‘Doing process’ ~ not the ‘Letting go process’...
‘One Giant Paradigm shift’ >The Record B6 ‘Prince of Peace Snacks’//// “burnt down Alexandria// by A...
‘Thoth’ Thought’ We’re movin’~ faster than Vedic 1000 Megawatti light bulbs ‘An Occurrence that would have killed any...
Venus’ Love Virus I gotta lot in me ~ don't forget some Magenta, darling. Esmeralda’s green is the colour of her...
Miracles in the desert Projected centre Point of two spheres gave us Living beings. Red Anchoring the body’s physical...
‘The Brightest light casts the deepest shadow’ Hidden Treasure, ‘The Greatest Pleasure is to Give Pleasure’ That Magic...
Ego Driving Super Amnesia Adventure Bush praying to the Rockefellers, al Sauds, Rothschild’s dynasty. 'Ironic, early...
Ocean Channels ~ Light Waves ‘Electrons in 7000 different Places at the same time’ Splitting up the weave. No drama...