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Poetry Articles

2b 2gether in time ~ Space

2b 2gether in time ~ Space “I was sat in Chapora at three in the morning ~ Shaking!” Not easy to find normal in Goa ~ Peacocks dancing in your garden! “Rather than worry about it let it happen!” Move on, move on, move ~ Fitting into the environment we’re all together...

Monsoon Time

Monsoon Time Visiting my friends here ~ It’s Wet! Maybe I need a girlfriend. She moved out after a week. Cult of Personality! Helps if you both like living in the same place. Amazing how you even met ~ yet! Such a beautiful scene of the natural vibe ~ Forest all...

Rapturous Response

Rapturous Response Really need a secretary cum Geisha...who can file, type, make coffee serve cakes, look super sexy in a mini skirt, tutu or shorts, organise trips to Bliss, provide stimulation/stimulus, has a good memory for where the blotters are, is fantastic, hot...


‘Ahimsa’ Completely Selfless, boundless, multi dimensional Compassionate, ‘Concept of a friend’ Openness, Oneness. ‘Altruism to All the World Systems, All the Earths, Suns Moons, Oceans, Galaxies Universes Infinite Milky Ways Hinduism’s Action > Concept of society,...