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Driving my scooter through the Asteroid field

Driving my scooter through the Asteroid field

‘One Giant Paradigm shift’ >The Record B6
‘Prince of Peace Snacks’//// “burnt down Alexandria//
by A Bishop//Hallelujah////Co creating’ protect the coral
& hippocampus thru Awareness not greedy Ignorance
God by any name, sister. Tremendous to be ‘Free Spirit’
No more Child Labour > Consumers, make it happen!!
Tibetan Jetsun rays, prayer flags in the breeze, be as ~
We are a living miracle/ Ram> role player identifying with
Your Projection of this; wrapped in 10000001 faces Playing
characters::: young girls too ready to Please You \/Optical
Illusions, sleights of hand Clear as a Bell Electricity seems
‘Permanent’, Real material as we are “& not Atomic levels of
light!”. ‘Microns’ > 1 millionth part of a gram. 1200M
You’ll get charged with Manslaughter; seen as Clinically
Insane > be conscious full respect, clear vision of a Shaman
Blasting out of gravity, floating into Outer*Infinite space
Perceptions & perspectives > How we see each other ~
Uniquely, the drug is the drug /\ gives the potency (fuel)
Whatever place you want to be and some you don’t!
A crocodile walked into the kitchen, Oh, It was made of
Crystal mirrors; Ok! Wherever it wants to take you ~”
**“I’m driving my scooter through the asteroid field**
(Mind)* being Conscious ~ or an Addict of TV Opium?
The Mind Limits of Your Mind & the ability to swim It ~
So no overdosing, burn outs, flips, bad come downs
to free dive ~ to be cosmically
She’s wearing a dress of diamonds