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Astral kisses

Astral kisses

Burn it at Sea
“I use the drugs to entertain myself”
Promotion ~ E motion in motion.
This way it gives it a Special note ~
Gives it a direction out of what is already there.
Intention of my Highest Imagination ~
No high or low ~ same same Galactic brain.
Refining my discernment of what I want now.
Not blasting this hyper negative ~ Alcohol, Coke, Ketamine.
Can’t walk down the street without having a line, meow meow.
It’s killing the psychedelic, creative consciousness, sacred tao.
Not just craziness, don’t compare or put it in the fiery box.
You go through yourself by being ~ she’s full Astral dynamite!
Putting you in a corner of Expectation ~ Knowing you’re in it.
When you are in it, you drop everything even that you are in it.
Have to make space for it to Unfold, giving it to you in yourself.
Bio Molecular Eros surrendering to Love feeling ~ her Cosmos