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Underneath it all is Space ~ Stay Present ~ Live the Love feeling

Underneath it all is Space ~ Stay Present ~ Live the Love feeling

Rapturous Response
Really need a secretary cum Geisha…who can file, type, make
coffee serve cakes, look super sexy in a mini skirt, tutu or shorts,
organise trips to Bliss, provide stimulation/stimulus, has a good
memory for where the blotters are, is fantastic, hot & wet in bed
in the kitchen or anywhere that allows for heights of passionate
ecstasy. Breaks are included. Any special talents would enhance
the applicants desirability. Happy to be naked very quickly and
driving license useful. Sense of humour with welcumming smile.
Celebrating our creative partnership ~ spirit & divine potential.
I am your true love, feeling you drenching me with Happy Sun
Shine * filling my heart * Cosmos with inspirational Love*light