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Poetry Articles

4th Chakra Galactic

4th Chakra Galactic ‘Huge high frequencies ~ waves coming across the Ocean. Opening, Human hearts ~ Central Sun energy flooding Earth monitors through the emotions and thoughts of those affected. ‘Crystalline city of light within the etheric of Machu Picchu.’ With...

‘Ladies In Waiting’

‘Ladies In Waiting’ I want to remember ~ not to be Protected from their Truth! ‘Self survival’ of the Mind wanting to guarantee It’s own self. 'Neutrinos are sub* atomic particles so tiny that they can pass through 'solid’ matter moving at almost the speed of light ~...

As It Is

As It Is ‘Aborigines singing the World into being’ ‘On our deepest level we share our dreams’ I’ve done my Rain thing ~ It’s as good as it gets ‘I live my Jupiter, in surreal domestic bliss’ I make my own shit happen, trained as horses to obey! Why wouldn’t you want...

Their Watchword

Their Watchword I like ‘Bhakti Shakti’ not Batty! Talkin’ the good shit. It’s Yoga ~ Squirt the Honey, if you please! I feel the bliss ~ when I’m warm with you but it’s ALL Bliss. EXPERIENCE WITH LOVE. It’s fuckin’ simple, yet the Best kept secret! Was sittin’ on the...