Connection - Life is a dance ~ If you left it be We dance close, intuitively & sometimes far apart. Just following...

Connection - Life is a dance ~ If you left it be We dance close, intuitively & sometimes far apart. Just following...
By the Grace of… Your heart’s not singing. Wearing a Bomb belt ~ primed to go Off! Freedom to make the right choice....
Cognoscenti in an apple orchard never felt a need to be contrite Hen pecked husband who gave up the ghost Contracting...
Switched on Switch off switch on switch off switching ~ How Deep do you want to go? Reconfiguring your Personae Can’t...
Dripping Passion Fucking Hot & wet, smooth as velvet honey. You are a sparkling diamond crown beside the sea. A...
“Langsam, Boomsi Boomsi” in Bangkok To some people (we were in damnation ~ their values) when we entered those bars....
Bumpy Sticker ‘Tyrannical State’ suspended ‘Habeas Corpus’ What’s that? ‘Home of Extraordinary Rendition’ ‘Water...
Free neurotransmitter technology “If there’s water there, there’s life” New name without the bondage! Hearing the...
Secrets of the Earth My 2nd wife ~ the Channel…Transmuting Mars and Pluto. Einstein got spiritual, hangin’ out with...
The Coastline She’s a lot of FUN even if you break your neck ~ You can have FUN while falling down the stairs. There’s...
Kat ^ Usher’s Pocket Rockets “Cease fire opposed by the US and the British. That special killing relationship in...
Thaw Thor Freewheeling beyond any technique, thank you. “Quieting the Mind, not the ‘I think’ dimension but the ‘I...