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Who's the withholder and who's the beholder?

Who’s the withholder and who’s the beholder?

“Langsam, Boomsi Boomsi” in Bangkok
To some people (we were in damnation ~
their values) when we entered those bars.
<<<< Fantasy, Poetry or Reality >>>>
A look at someone else’s trip ~ Inspiration
visit Buddha’s Smile!
Celestial virgins! (numbered) what!
Look up into Buddha’s eyes ~
The path to Heaven?
Is this the real Buddha trip?
The end of the search ~ seeking the answers.
Find it here in this ‘Buddhist Pleasure House’!
You have obtained the enlightenment!
In the last room, this is it!!!!!!
All those books on Buddhism, here it is in this fantasy! What!!
Living with ‘houris’ in Paradise.
Is this the real garden of Eden?
Receiving a well treasured secret/gift ~ a magic path!
** At the Grace **
My Mind Is The Taj Mahal ~ Idea that the object is the symbol.
It is the mind that is the Creator only need to perceive the idea ~
to have the beauty
The Art and the Artist
is it the thing created or the state of my thought or neither?
Therefore you don’t really have to have made anything (object)
just had the Vision of it ~ transmutation.
The Artist was the one who made changes…
Being Artistic is inherent in the change ~
Have a mind which is able to reflect the most wonderful beauty
Flowing in its space ~ have beautiful dreams.
The mind is the mirror ~ of Allowance.
What is reflected is the Quality of your mind
What Quality is in the reflection of the Taj!
How beautiful your expression ~

I often wondered why it could be
there would be such a tragedy ~
as broken beer bottles on a beach.
I wondered why only beer bottles
you never see scattered pieces
from teacups!
Up I come hot sun ~ Is there ever a cold sun?
Beauty is in the mind of the beholder’s Space ~
and you can get a contact lens from mother nature.
Idea of a telescope, more vision opening up the Universe
a help to the senses ~ more perfection, It’s Inside You.
Technology leading to the perfect
Or does it just allow the imagination to reveal more?
Did you ever masturbate at 180 m.p.h.
with only one hand on the wheel for sharp bends. No!!
“I spent my childhood in that bed (pride in a Victorian bed)
or that is where I masturbated for fifteen years!”
Believe these are not just words
these are Love’s truths, Life truths, the truth.
Instinctively know the essence of these meanings
don’t be confused by terms, which are only words.
Instinctively know the truths herein
by putting your mind in a devout state,
think high ~ be clear and calm
and really think purposefully of what is in front of your eyes.
So you will feel the wisdom of these signs
which have been forever for every one.
You will then know them as you ~ as the real;
You will then know Completely yourself.
Loving yourself and Loving me
You don’t do Yoga ~
Yoga is a state of mind,
a devotion, a knowing ~ like you don’t do going to sleep.
You are asleep
You are yoga