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Cosmic Cards Articles

Diggeridoo 575

Diggeridoo 575 heal, clear ~ the light field harmony + ve loving energy From out of the brain, food ~ Oxygen Using Vibrations ~ breath and light energy healing the grosser body clearing the <> brain hemispheres in harmony, chakras open up connecting to the...


‘Anicca’ Feeling ~ the body with ~ the breath ‘Naturalist’ Sharper >>:<< Free Flow Remain Equanimous Remains of Equanimity Inside Out some don’t know Ripening Happens Your Whole body Sensationalised You’re Complete With Equanimity Impurity Goes ~ Bowing...

Processing Presto

Processing Presto The Prana will always put you back in your body, For sure you will be different <> “not judging” Is it good or is it bad, trust trust to trust ~ It’s all there anyhow, clear agreement to go further Giving the space to Recognize themselves...

Golden Arrows

Golden Arrows Rediscovered Samples of the Maestro Pasolini Troubadour of the Renaissance, Modernist ‘Il Principe Bene’, Shining in the chromium of Rome. Common sense of Myth and fable, cherished for its creative original, not censer of the Censor’s label. A Yogi of...