As It Is ‘Aborigines singing the World into being’ ‘On our deepest level we share our dreams’ I’ve done my Rain thing...

As It Is ‘Aborigines singing the World into being’ ‘On our deepest level we share our dreams’ I’ve done my Rain thing...
Their Watchword I like ‘Bhakti Shakti’ not Batty! Talkin’ the good shit. It’s Yoga ~ Squirt the Honey, if you please!...
Healing the Feeling Upside down on the Cosmic ceiling ~ In the Zero Point field, E = mc2 reeling Gliding across her...
Mother Arctic’s * Exquisite lights “Going for the Burn” 54,000 miles per hour! We must make it happen, powering down...
Light Tribe ‘First you have to Love Yourself’ Initiation. Accepting Your Intuition, even in the panic. Accepting what...
Healinghereandnow*com The Merkaba’s an energy field of light that surrounds our body it’s built of two Tetrahedrons...
6th Dimension Zone Your body’s * permeated with its Penetrating light * Weight slips away as space *between your...
Uncensored Space Energy #3 Because you didn’t have to sell it for any reason, for money! Manifesting what You feel,...
Molten Lava “God wills what will happen or not happens” Healthier is Happier; High Vibration Harmony ~ In tune, on the...
Cancer Of Glad Death Epidemics Tooth-decay Heart-attacks Greed & nationalism! #1 Killer. Do you have Fear of your...
‘Watching the Watching’ “I never wanted to lose you darling” The less you involve Yourself the more Spirit ~ Can play...
FEAR ~ ‘FALsE eMOTionS ApPeaR rEAl’ The Authorities have produced a Chip to help you die! They will now kill...