Climbing Higher Burn the dead vines ~ pruning gives more Space. Karma Program ~ riding moment to moment. 2000 ‘Sage...

Climbing Higher Burn the dead vines ~ pruning gives more Space. Karma Program ~ riding moment to moment. 2000 ‘Sage...
The Art and the Artist is it the thing created or the state of my thought or neither? Therefore you don’t really have...
Juicy Mirror Man Hobbits in mystical Benders, comes with a crystal ball. Druids are nice people! Who needs a list?....
‘Dukkha’ Disharmony “He’s not feeling as he used to feel” “I might as well talk to the wall” This doesn’t belong to...
‘Sampagana Satima’ * ‘The New Tibet’ Move on move on ~ Impermanence, ‘Samsara. ‘Om Mani Padma Hum’ listening to the...
Colonial Bogey She used to go to school with a gas mask over the handle bars. Blew up the President with a Bomb hidden...
Omni NASA Sending mantras into Space ~ To connect with extra terrestrial Intelligence. ‘The Big Bang’ is a Sound ~ the...
Isipatana Parc is in bloom Somewhere Tinsel cranes come in to land and wade The Meditator observing sensations Inside...
Frequencies Of It but Not In It ‘Born in the World, as a Lotus in the water, growing up living in its nature ~ Now...
‘It’s True Without A Word Of A Lie’ Beam me In Beam Me In! Man >< Mind >< Trap to deliver/|/|/ freely...
Of the Unknown 500 TIMES X THE OBSESSIONAL! IN The Box is the MIND & KARMA. It’s ALL rattling around Inside. Open...
Creative * Irrational * Concept “Get some MDMA down yu neck ~” Yu be as right as rain for couple of hours ~ Trance...