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Everything is now ~ That is Consciousness ~ Spinning in Time

Everything is now ~ That is Consciousness ~ Spinning in Time

‘Dukkha’ Disharmony
“He’s not feeling as he used to feel”
“I might as well talk to the wall”
This doesn’t belong to me, let go tight grip on Pride & Ego
Come to stage of detachment of the Mind from Itself!
Change of growth & decay blooms in your lovely bouquet.
Watching the disintegration of a mountain, cycling of birth
& death; seed becomes a plant becomes a tree unending
No permanency of the seeming unity of being
“Tendency to change is inherent in all things”
Its got a life of its own ~ electrons spinning in orbits
Multi dimensional Expansion at the speed of light
Temples illuminating 100,000,000 Galaxies
Sustaining every plant and animal, thank You Sun.
Earth Our Jewel in the sky