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I don't wanna go to bed with a Gas mask!

I don’t wanna go to bed with a Gas mask!

Colonial Bogey
She used to go to school with a gas mask over the handle bars.
Blew up the President with a Bomb hidden in his green Turban.
Cut the throat of his innocent daughter in Honourable murder!
Nice to have a 6 year old virgin bride in the pipeline too mate!
He chopped her up in bits, left her in a flight bag in the garage.
Couldn’t make this up could you? What’s next in the Assembly?
What’s come over you the last few days? Keeping us all at War!
He couldn’t tell her, he was on a mission.“It looks grim to me!”
He’s a gunner in RAF. Not much chance for him then is there?
No not when he’s up in the sky over a machine gun. Inshallah!
“Those were the good old days”; They were except for the War!
Which one was that? Can’t go to the pictures without drama!
Don’t think we’ll go out much in the Blackout.
Gonna end in Fuckin’ Tragedy