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Cosmic Cards Articles

Juicy Mirror Man

Juicy Mirror Man Hobbits in mystical Benders, comes with a crystal ball. Druids are nice people! Who needs a list?. Embodying ~ A Perfect Peach on a Perfect beach ~ Has a certain ring to it. You got the message! Seeking Effortless Concentration ~ Stop and be eternal!...

‘Welcome No-Self Food’

‘Welcome No-Self Food’ Savouring ~ Do What You Can Getting It Together Dhamma anarchist. Was That day ~ the Beatitudes were given ~ Intuition of a next time Gift of Life “Can I give You anymore…” Ahimsa joy basically ~ happy to Share

Changing DNA

Changing DNA with a Tweak from the harmonic Cosmos ~ Flip * Lit up the Akashic Records Sound travels atom to atom ~ Tuned into the Seeds (Of Helen) of Troy to Heaven pulled in by the silent Angels harmonic convergence * It’s only a Reflection from the Inside ~ Out....

Associative Ideas on the Neuro Net

Associative Ideas on the Neuro Net Reflections in the mirror of memory ~ Who Am I? Nerve cells rewiring you on a daily basis, darling. Our long term relationship with other nerve systems ~ Growing which brain circuits (electrical mudras’ touch) With more certainty...