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Cosmic Cards Articles

Is there an Explanation?

Is there an Explanation? Need some strangeness, obtuse fish fingers floating in a dead mercurial reef. This massive, aquatic collateral damage; WHY? Turn the other eye, do you feel any urge to cry for those shrimp? How about those shoals swallowed up in a plasticised...

The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants

The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants Seeing you in wonder off the battlefield All perfected ~ body is Immaterial. Sitting, feeling Kundalini ~ lava rising in your Yoni Individual Star crossed lovers of eternal entity Kama Sutra Yoga free from bondage, being...

You’re Psychedelic Not A Terrorist!

You’re Psychedelic Not A Terrorist! Bing bang bum, expanding energy ~ my Cock! ‘Blowing your Brains out with multi * Orgasms!’ Cut the Top off & suck it ~ crack Open the jellies! Cosmic Assassination ~ Spontaneous combustion. Wet, smiley and juicy, dripping in...

Will Power

Will Power ‘The Information Highway ~ in streams of Light’ Only going through desire ~ The right fly for the right trout……! ‘Nothing is new under the Sun’ The Bliss Molecule ~ dissolving mountains. Neurotransmitters in raw Chocolate ~ Allowance to be Children being in...