Pure Delight Nothing much, to do with greedy craving but having the Awareness of it; Is there a need to Fight your...

Pure Delight Nothing much, to do with greedy craving but having the Awareness of it; Is there a need to Fight your...
Demo Crazy “Vote for me and I'll decide what parties you can have, celebrating being out at night ~ What freedom is...
Honey Moon ~ Sailing by Erupting Venus Making a Poem ~ like a bowl of Shreddies. Seacliff erosion, Air Mail letters,...
BD. “Lady I couldn’t believe that After All those years you didn’t Know me better than that!” Come see, come far....
Made by herself She wants to be pushed out of her Super holiness ~ What’s her name? I dunno, can’t remember anymore....
An Amnesiac Lion in a Kashmir Fairy ring Pouring out Fabulous States of Mind entering into you, soft luxuriant...
My darling Who has yet to sail by felucca down the Nile and to meditate in quiet under the pinkest trees of Mount...
‘Life is a breeze’.. pchingpchingpchingtao te definitely an old soul all you can do is pray that your kids stay safe....
The Interaction of Energies Krishna ~ ‘the Cause of All Causes’ Ordinary people came to know Why He appeared on Earth...
Imprint Blue Print Take the people and scrub them, every evening! Can’t cope with survival ~ And they believe it....
Diggeridoo 575 heal, clear ~ the light field harmony + ve loving energy From out of the brain, food ~ Oxygen Using...
‘Anicca’ Feeling ~ the body with ~ the breath ‘Naturalist’ Sharper >>:<< Free Flow Remain Equanimous...