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Peace Goddess Articles

Cosmic Oceanic

Cosmic Oceanic “I became Krishna Consciousness ~ “God created Space wo/men ~ Space wo/men made us!” Krishna's into it all ~ Making the most of every party! “I'm just gonna have it freestyle ~” 'DNR ' ~ Do not resusitate your mum! Doing it, no blocks, resistances,...

Tantric Body Owner

Tantric Body Owner 'Not a spiritual monk but sharing my energy'~ Reflecting yourself. A dress is important outside, Inside is the truly marvelous You! “Killing is a holy thing getting rid of another f… infidel!” Virgins at the next corner all for you; Blow it up quick!...

Solaris Sultan

Solaris Sultan Which toxic Reich are we in now? Storm troopers at the window. US Gestapo banging down your front door, waterboarding FEMA What really happens; Rambo image or Mannings & Snowden etc? Slaughtering people, innocent civilians from Apache Helicopters!...

Proper rinsing it

Proper rinsing it. GOA ~ “I've come here NOT to be miserable loving you!” You wanna stay connected send a Cosmic Spirit Postcard. Why would they stop me walking up the hill and taking off? Friends are the ones who'd let you crash ~ on their sofa! Yoginis' Tantric King...