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Emotionally Charged

Emotionally Charged Magical rapport with the audience What was your Co Op shop number? Soaring up in the stratosphere with a high note. Looking for more emotional fulfillment ~ Singing as we go into the depression, like a big black hole. Falling in love with a painter...

Pure E lucid ~ Earth * Energy * Ecstasy

Pure E lucid ~ Earth * Energy * Ecstasy Every cell is a Process of You Same Same ~ You are a Cell Of Mother Earth * Pachimama She’s Omni Cell of her Universe You’re a Universe in Yourself ~ Using Crystal energy * to put a thought process in it. Instant Email to...

Lounge Angel

Lounge Angel “He’s the first white man who sat with a family of Gorillas” “There are beaches in Mumbai but you can’t go in the water!” ‘Find your own discernment ~ you live what you are’ We separate what we don’t need anymore. The Silent Revolution ~ from inside out....

(DM) Daily Mail 28th March 2007

(DM) Daily Mail 28th March 2007 “Currently anyone arrested for a recordable offence in England and Wales must give a DNA sample which remains on record even if they are not charged or are acquitted” Welcome to a Police State by stealth! Quite Obvious Now! Where is the...