Endo*Cannabinoid System Brainwashed about Miraculous Marie Jane. “There is no profit in being a healthy society” Magic...

Endo*Cannabinoid System Brainwashed about Miraculous Marie Jane. “There is no profit in being a healthy society” Magic...
Emotionally Charged Magical rapport with the audience What was your Co Op shop number? Soaring up in the stratosphere...
Pure E lucid ~ Earth * Energy * Ecstasy Every cell is a Process of You Same Same ~ You are a Cell Of Mother Earth *...
RIPPED It Off - by Corporate GB – Again & Definitely A law unto themselves! Analogise Analogous Corresponding to...
Very trained brain “I like my vices, I embrace them!” A Police State - “It’s back to the illegal raves then!” “Since...
He have me away... He Loves his Chemicals! Buddha with light blue eyes ~ Genesis’ early Universal particles…. Hunting...
Sold a pup, a pig in the poke The Embrace, “I’m trying to ~” “Put it out of your Mind!” ‘To believe or not to believe’...
Manifesting the Invisible The devil has a big bag of tricks eating you like a virus. Reflecting them letting them dust...
Another Genesis Naked Adam & Eve with their apple tree snake. False reporting Hash Syringes in Junkies’ arms. You...
A Sylph from Sybaris ‘You can’t have NO in your heart’ ‘Keep on Keepin on’ torrid trousseau of Rousseau Never give up...
This Revolving Door LSD ~ Give it to the enemy! It came to my door! Put it in the water supply ~ I like happy crowds....
My God it’s Alive! Harmonise with nature ~ Planet Earth is our Oyster! Trees are Oxygen giving life to Humans Humans...