‘Divine Forbidden Fruit Star Mate’ Abandoned By the Love of his Life, nearly died of a Broken heart! Enraptured,...

‘Divine Forbidden Fruit Star Mate’ Abandoned By the Love of his Life, nearly died of a Broken heart! Enraptured,...
No Propaganda Is ~ This is Not A Stimulator, Simulator, It’s Real, Real Consequences, Real Causes & Effects! Isn’t...
Golden Arrows Rediscovered Samples of the Maestro Pasolini Troubadour of the Renaissance, Modernist ‘Il Principe...
Pure Spirit, Pure Light, Pure Love Spirit is Spirit ~ flesh is flesh & missionaries of the Church who never go to...
Targeted Disappoint Meant What’s ‘Expectation’s Opposite’? ‘No Expectation’ If you don’t go there in the first place,...
‘Bright Night’ Amsterdam open city, Propaganda A pity. A Sham for a lost man and today too a woman Pain Campaign On...
‘Assalum Alaikum’, ‘May Peace Be With You’ Mercy and goodness show the way to the Sacred day Being with the ever...
Behind the Sun The Shackles for Your Own Protection! Where 223 cockle pickers drowned, not by accident Allegations,...
Falling False Fallible Faithful Fanatic ‘Circle spirals itself back to place of the beginning’ ‘When Separation exists...
No Spin Doctors’ Madness. Only Free Spirits ~ “Feeling the Fear, but Does it anyway!” sheep still Asleep, No...
Committed to ‘Commitment’ fluent Journey Another Amazing Experience of life flowing like the jet stream with the...
Young goddess energy Shaman Love energies, Cosmic smiling babies! Love frequencies ~ Lighter, Intelligent Vibrations...