Trust ^ Babaette “let the Relationship grow Relate in the moment ~ Relating Not a Relationship” And it’s Always new...

Trust ^ Babaette “let the Relationship grow Relate in the moment ~ Relating Not a Relationship” And it’s Always new...
RICH GET RICH AND THE POOR GET POORER Still the Same Old linque Politicos ~ Peasants Survive and figure it Shrewdly....
Pure ~ Union ~ Unborn (of time) Delusions, fucked-up, lustre, desire, greed, selfishness, bullshit, Ignorance, denial,...
‘Protest Is Patriotic Probing’ Oh by the way we been having a Secret Invasion of Cambodia! Dropped uncountable tons of...
Right Time Right Place Again for creative muffins “UFO’ ½ ecstasy ½ mescaline, energetic fruit salads" No Ego No Mind...
Into a deep feisty ornate fertile hard drive New Alien Guidance; Why didn’t you say, what do you want? Pixieing on the...
Trace Elements Atheisms Pyretic ‘Putti’ of May the blue beam reaching down Morphology from cosmic space spiriting me...
LET’S GO WITH LOVE Creating within your self * Space for Supra dimensional light Radiations. No time to waste ~ No...
A land of leaves is a land of please a land of little girls is a land of pearls a land of fountains is a land of...
Warm breeze, Mimosa grasshoppers in the long grass, a wreath of jasmine on her brow ~ bathing places, coolness and...
Hot Russian Hair just needed some TLC Quality from Venus of Awareness’ deep kissing Happy New Year of Open Heart Free...
Nibbana Om Jhana Banana Foc*us, Para^dime shift, Art balances & codes of Abstraction in dhamma seeds Radiant...