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Poetry Articles

‘Maison de Jouir’

‘Maison de Jouir’ The King of Dolce Vita with a girl called Gita. Just like Krishna and Radha hand in hand ~ Adam with Eve making Love in crystal Sand Beneath an old apple tree, all for free Such a sweet distraction not infraction. In their Minds, such a beautiful...

Letting go of the Yin Yang

Letting go of the Yin Yang Firing it Up with Full Intent, to be Co Creators. That Frame ~ Sharing It in Crystalline Wisdom. She had a lot of coquettish expression on her face. Filled with free Love Spirit from everywhere. You were a Goddess at that moment ~ smiling....

Is there an Explanation?

Is there an Explanation? Need some strangeness, obtuse fish fingers floating in a dead mercurial reef. This massive, aquatic collateral damage; WHY? Turn the other eye, do you feel any urge to cry for those shrimp? How about those shoals swallowed up in a plasticised...

The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants

The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants Seeing you in wonder off the battlefield All perfected ~ body is Immaterial. Sitting, feeling Kundalini ~ lava rising in your Yoni Individual Star crossed lovers of eternal entity Kama Sutra Yoga free from bondage, being...