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Trust in Unconditional Love

Trust in Unconditional Love

Golden Wings
I am so happy to get such a letter from you, I’ve waited a long
time for this awareness to appear and naturally express itself.
The feelings I always had in my Heart for you are still alive.
I Never Stopped Loving you ~ the love we shared is Magical.
I told you many times that in my experience it is Rare to have such
DEEP feelings. I still love you of course. I never switched you Off ~
as I always believed that what we surrendered to each other was our
Purest love. I’m very very happy that finally you came to realise, not
deny this true bliss we enjoyed that made our hearts and spirits smile
and fly with so much happiness and that this is the wonderful light
guiding our lives. Is this the big lesson we’ve learnt? A Real Love or
a madly delusional Passion poem? Not to be negative or cynical in
this crazy world of our mind’s attachments, of infatuation and ego’s
desperate illusions and fears ~ but harmoniousness within such deep
connecting, trusting eyes. I entered this experience with you to Know
these BEAUTIFUL sensations, feelings between a man & a woman,
diving to the core. You gave me everything, that’s why it still touches
our Souls’ Space ~ On the other side that love as you know well can
be extremely painful because I allowed myself to be so open with you.
I tried to hold the balance but I decided to jump over the edge ~ with
You and to Trust in the Universe…that was my choice. I do not regret it
but I paid a heavy price of despair when you left me in the way you did.
I know the Real suffering you had; Now I don’t know anything of your life!
Are you still in your relationship, it sounds like you have this connection,
you’ve made that vital choice for yourself? I cannot love you in that
way if you’re with another. I’m free, y/our love lifts me to the light.
I’m saying all of this with a Smile in my heart ~ no hidden Ego games.
After my loss of you I’ve been hoping for a reconnection one day for
Y/our Realisation of the deep Love that we felt for each other to be
truly recognised. Thank you for sharing your feelings with me which I
always kept believing in too. It wasn’t just my illusion, passion, desire,
infatuation, mad Attachment, LSD dream, it was Real! Was it Yours?
It’s a healing for my Spirit to know that you feel the same. I know I
saw that light sparkling in your eyes & I know inside ~ Your smile
kissed my lips with your love as I kissed yours ** I never had any
doubt then you dumped me without a word in such loss and pain!
My Heart smashed to pieces, I wondered if I’d ever see you again!
Was it just our delusion, an ecstatic state of trance, magical romance
to deceive ‘me’ or did we really look into each other’s true Souls and
dance? I did my utmost to hold your Spirit but you flew on your own
journey with someone new where I was not wanted. Am I insane for
holding onto a ghost? I asked the Universe if it’s true for directions to
Higher Consciousness * Unconditional Love or was it all Pure Illusion?