‘Sublime Picasso’ ‘Recorded the Carpet Bombing of a Spanish town in a work of Art’! ‘The Vatican’s complicity with...
Poetry Articles
Oracle Sponge
Oracle Sponge Chilling out with a nice Iguana ~ Mind means Confusion! “Accepting the mistake, Identification with it;...
Solaris Sultan
Solaris Sultan Which toxic Reich are we in now? Storm troopers at the window. US Gestapo banging down your front door,...
All The Mod Cons!
All The Mod Cons! String Theory ~ ‘We met in Space’ You can fall in it anytime ~ in the now. He went for a walk in the...
Poetry in Motion ~ (not everything has a meaning)
Poetry in Motion ~ (not everything has a meaning) ‘It’s the message that counts not the messenger, the Message’ ‘Love...
Delicious Lubriclity
Delicious Lubriclity She is gorgeous from behind ~ luscious in front. Inhaling sweet perfumes, swooning with delight....
Connection – Life is a dance ~ If you left it be
Connection - Life is a dance ~ If you left it be We dance close, intuitively & sometimes far apart. Just following...
By the Grace of…
By the Grace of… Your heart’s not singing. Wearing a Bomb belt ~ primed to go Off! Freedom to make the right choice....
Cognoscenti in an apple orchard
Cognoscenti in an apple orchard never felt a need to be contrite Hen pecked husband who gave up the ghost Contracting...
‘Maison de Jouir’
‘Maison de Jouir’ The King of Dolce Vita with a girl called Gita. Just like Krishna and Radha hand in hand ~ Adam with...
Letting go of the Yin Yang
Letting go of the Yin Yang Firing it Up with Full Intent, to be Co Creators. That Frame ~ Sharing It in Crystalline...
Is there an Explanation?
Is there an Explanation? Need some strangeness, obtuse fish fingers floating in a dead mercurial reef. This massive,...