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Cosmic Cards Articles

‘The Source of the signal?’

‘The Source of the signal?’ ‘Seemed to becoming from everywhere ~ deep Cosmic space. Never dreamed existed, echoes of the origin of the Universe’ Single Mindedness, single madness, Cosmic inspiration’s tune. “Here men from Planet Earth first set foot on the Moon ~...

Incandescent Abstraction

Incandescent Abstraction No words to limit ~ power of Intuition. “Don’t tell me that tripe ~ My Mind’s busy” You’ve done your bit for Society, paid your taxes! “Made blankets for the troops, we wove the wool”. Had a couple of babies, followed the set Rules! Now you’re...

‘Ladies In Waiting’

‘Ladies In Waiting’ I want to remember ~ not to be Protected from their Truth! ‘Self survival’ of the Mind wanting to guarantee It’s own self. 'Neutrinos are sub* atomic particles so tiny that they can pass through 'solid’ matter moving at almost the speed of light ~...

As It Is

As It Is ‘Aborigines singing the World into being’ ‘On our deepest level we share our dreams’ I’ve done my Rain thing ~ It’s as good as it gets ‘I live my Jupiter, in surreal domestic bliss’ I make my own shit happen, trained as horses to obey! Why wouldn’t you want...