Is there an Explanation? Need some strangeness, obtuse fish fingers floating in a dead mercurial reef. This massive,...

Is there an Explanation? Need some strangeness, obtuse fish fingers floating in a dead mercurial reef. This massive,...
The Greatest Warrior ~ Commanding Elephants Seeing you in wonder off the battlefield All perfected ~ body is...
You’re Psychedelic Not A Terrorist! Bing bang bum, expanding energy ~ my Cock! ‘Blowing your Brains out with multi *...
‘Get Crackin’ With a rhythmic sorcerer ‘Secret Agent LSD 25. broke out of the Laboratory ~ Tracked down Psilocybin...
Committed to ‘Commitment’ fluent Journey Another Amazing Experience of life flowing like the jet stream with the...
Tao Clearness Understand ~ between the words I Love it ~ All the Allowance To go out to change ~ to flow The Key in...
‘They’re Precisely Real Enough Your Honour’ Another & Another ~ Connecting Reality, sister & brother. How do...
‘Love is in the air’ Why give yourself a Hard time? Polka dot mushrooms hard wired in the brain. Impregnated in your...
‘Neptune’s daughter’ Did you ever see Leprechauns ~ ? Don’t abuse Children. Down by the Sea * If I had brains Would I...
Lobster Telephone Absurd ~ effect on your brain The Clarity of distortions. A new palette of sounds ~ Creating an Aria...
Then letting go ~ Socrates lived by the beach & grew lovely magic mushrooms. Monkey with a number they’ll kill you...
Expansion Tank “Alzheimer’s the worst thing I can Imagine ~ Yeah, but you forget ~ you got it” Will it set him free?...