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Cosmic Cards Articles

Blitzed by Bliss

Blitzed by Bliss Love is extreme imagination, feeling emotional energy. Updating the Psychic net, Access to Mind Blowing. Spiritual egoist marching, trying to Save the World! Rocket’s red glare glowing on a lovely altruistic, ballerina. Zipping up the Energy suit...

The Psychedelic School of Illumination

The Psychedelic School of Illumination ‘Unconventional’ Goa - He said, he crashed his Mind Went beyond the gross, living in the spirit dimension! I love the nature the sun the light the smiles, happy to be here. I’m at home, what’s the choice; Do you want a sweet...

The Blue Platinum Harbour

The Blue Platinum Harbour It got mixed up and Controlled, what the Seers brought over ~ Man made Law is not what every man has ~ Common Sense. Just fall in, this is Mother Earth, now fall in the fire, “I Love It!” & Transmute ~Wanting to lose Yourself in the House...

39 Known Moons

39 Known Moons Let’s take the ‘Universal Program’ Intuition of a Cosmic dream Your ever changing energy fields ~ Multiorgasms making Sense Conscious being(s) in tune with one another. Time to be Aware He crashed his ship into a bridge! Sensor better than a Human!...