'Life teaches everyone' Get yourself a Power tool! “Giving because you can” Read the book with Intuition ~ then you'll...

'Life teaches everyone' Get yourself a Power tool! “Giving because you can” Read the book with Intuition ~ then you'll...
Galactic Tones The Synchronic Orchestra of 'Timeship Earth’ (‘4th dimensional Order of Time for this Planet’) In...
Tibetan Plateau is ¼ of China! Himalaya Glaciers ~ 1/6 of World’s Ice (source of water) For now ~ Lake Manoswara ~ to...
Serving the Life “Mind is a Computer based on Data Rules! Reprogramming the Mind with > No Mind stuff Yakking Mind,...
‘Chillida’ Crescendo sprinkling Zen Magic, ~ moment of the movement, prayer and dancing, Buddha As Vibrant Energy, Not...
Ring fencing Full Ego Europe, Dada dada dodo Good but not good enough, Identities that never met What you take is your...
The Tibetan Sea The Tantric Black Hats Symbol of the darkness. A beast from ‘Shangri La’ Vibration ~ More be in No...
Arriving ‘Never Too Late’ ~ Just in Time. Best Wishes for A Cosmic Revolution What to do? Smoke a joint and be happy...
‘Ignorance is bliss’ “I wish I was that Stupid!” Why Not ~ So What? Outrider What happened to Your Imagination? “Got...
If You Love Someone You Want Them To Be Completely Happy and Enlightened * ‘Land of Milk and Money!’ Flower children ~...
Relative Self is ephemeral “The Republican brand is low & so it’s more difficult to sell your candidate!”...
Domes Is always Attractive ratepayers give the codes! Domes outside Incorporation Learning to bring in the ‘live’ go...