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Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Serving the Life
“Mind is a Computer based on Data Rules!
Reprogramming the Mind with > No Mind stuff
Yakking Mind, tell it to shut up! It’s A Transient ~
Live from the Heart Not from A self possessed Mind.
Mystics > Quieting the Mind * Silencing the Stallion
Pull the reigns > Start/Stop talking to the Senses
through Intelligence, Clear eyes > into their Spirit
By Pass the filter of the Mind and be naturally Pure.
How to deal with the Beggar? Giving Life moments.
‘Tree of Life > Giving Life’ still grows growing
‘Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil’ Potentials
Osmosis Planting ~ Analysis of the moment, flowing
Screw the money > Working for Life.
“Who told You that You’re Naked?”
Moving into the Dimension of Perception
“In this World but not of it” It’s All A Trap!
Pure light ~ leaving the body * Celestial entity.
A new language from old words and odd precepts
Identifications, Conditionings, Their Programs.
Mind discipline ~ Altruism supports ones below.
Have to Trick the Mind ~ Changing a Stallion Ego
Staying out of the World out of the dramas Arjuna.
Bliss Is in the now ~ Comes to us on divine wind
Keep following light appearing from you, before you
Don’t listen to Your Mind ~ We can Live in the now
Can You Be Aware “What you can see is temporal ~
What you can’t see is eternal” A Cosmic sail
My Spectrum ~ Seeing the puzzle, through a holy veil.
Simple ~ You have to be, a Receiver to Receive ~
Loving Compassion ~ moving into any dimension
where there are no words
LIGHT dancing