‘SHARAQA’ favourite things Sound of light ~ all of the tropics * Wailing ~ Saxophone through the Piazza at dawn...

‘SHARAQA’ favourite things Sound of light ~ all of the tropics * Wailing ~ Saxophone through the Piazza at dawn...
8.5hz Binaural Psyche Baba * Cosmic Inshallah Super Shanti. Solfeggio frequencies ~ 174Hz, 285Hz, 396Hz, 417Hz, 528Hz,...
Prana light Lament Put myself on the cross man, banged in my own nails. I forgive you! You're suffering, preoccupied ~...
‘Slave looking in the Mirror’ ‘War is Over If You Want It’ ‘END WAR END WORLD POVERTY’ “Join us and the World will...
Directly If you go with time ~ Picture coming “The thoughts go faster than light” Slowing it down And You Manifest...
Japanese for Lotus It flowers and seeds at the same time ~ causing & effecting. Instant generation ~ Procreation, “Nam...
‘The Source of the signal?’ ‘Seemed to becoming from everywhere ~ deep Cosmic space. Never dreamed existed, echoes of...
Siren 'Night & day’ ~ Singing to you My Love ~ Night & day Singing to you Love les amants. The Kiss How...
mICROsOCIETY A ‘Blanket Party’!! Everyone gets a Hit, Informal Codes ‘Life’s all about Peoples’ Lives you wouldn’t...
Bodh Gaya, late spring 528 BC Becomes perfectly human, not reacting liberating himself. Modulated into his 1st Jhana...
Class Code ~ ‘Heir to the Sun! They needed to know ‘The Rules’ in order to dine out. ‘Mother went to school with her...
Superb Auditory of the beach ~ Oneness Mean it ~ “I Love You with All My Heart” “I Love You” The Ideal of Dhamma,...