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Cosmic Cards Articles

By the Grace of…

By the Grace of… Your heart’s not singing. Wearing a Bomb belt ~ primed to go Off! Freedom to make the right choice. Up to You! Love, Unconditional Love ~ Not Terror rising. That’s the message they should all be preaching. Not here to make a Judgment; Here to Express...

Cognoscenti in an apple orchard

Cognoscenti in an apple orchard never felt a need to be contrite Hen pecked husband who gave up the ghost Contracting H5N1 reading a dirty saucy card That good old Protestant Work ethic helped them through the other 51 weeks of drudge couldn’t understand why they...

‘Maison de Jouir’

‘Maison de Jouir’ The King of Dolce Vita with a girl called Gita. Just like Krishna and Radha hand in hand ~ Adam with Eve making Love in crystal Sand Beneath an old apple tree, all for free Such a sweet distraction not infraction. In their Minds, such a beautiful...

Letting go of the Yin Yang

Letting go of the Yin Yang Firing it Up with Full Intent, to be Co Creators. That Frame ~ Sharing It in Crystalline Wisdom. She had a lot of coquettish expression on her face. Filled with free Love Spirit from everywhere. You were a Goddess at that moment ~ smiling....