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Cosmic Cards Articles

The Fear of God ~ Confessing every action!

The Fear of God ~ Confessing every action! The Vatican Mafia ~“I think I went in the Gas Chamber!” Yeah if Marbella was so great why the f… come to India!? They're looking for a new place to fuck; 'Sari Up' dancing! That was his experience who knows what's that about?...

Hearts full of Vulvas!

Hearts full of Vulvas! You bring a candle into a dark place… “The Demon of this chakra is Attachment” You need a destination, a star to follow ~ Not wandering lost, parched in an endless desert. “There's not even any branches, how did I get up here?” 'She died on the...

No Slave * No Master!

No Slave * No Master! 'No touching, no photos!' My name is Sperm Avatar ~ Freedom is Courage! You are always Free to respond! “If you don't control your mind, someone else will” Freedom is there in any given situation ~ Our behaviour is conditioning ~ of our genes....

Fantastic Reality

Fantastic Reality Barefoot jumping around in the uncensored Sun. There's something lovely about butterflies today ~ It's boundless, raw, naked, Unconditional Love for all. Resonating ~ just enjoy each and every moment please. Not making things complicated, complex...