Pure E lucid ~ Earth * Energy * Ecstasy Every cell is a Process of You Same Same ~ You are a Cell Of Mother Earth *...
Atavist Cards Articles
Lounge Angel
Lounge Angel “He’s the first white man who sat with a family of Gorillas” “There are beaches in Mumbai but you can’t...
(DM) Daily Mail 28th March 2007
(DM) Daily Mail 28th March 2007 “Currently anyone arrested for a recordable offence in England and Wales must give a...
Gharial on the brink
Gharial on the brink The extinction of another species ~ “Hi I’m Mental Mick a reformed alcoholic from Glasgow” ‘This...
A 21st C. Sire
A 21st C. Sire They love it the slaves, watching the Tsar, the Queen, those with lots of diamonds; Palace waltzing,...
Transcending Kleptocracy
Transcending Kleptocracy “You need desire to be a better person” I don’t wanna feel oppressed; Try 250 mikes never the...
Means: ‘Rule by Thieves’
Means: ‘Rule by Thieves’ Found Tornadoes swirling along equatorial Trade winds! ‘The First Lady’ what the hell is that...
RIPPED It Off – by Corporate GB – Again &
RIPPED It Off - by Corporate GB – Again & Definitely A law unto themselves! Analogise Analogous Corresponding to...
Very trained brain
Very trained brain “I like my vices, I embrace them!” A Police State - “It’s back to the illegal raves then!” “Since...