The Art and the Artist is it the thing created or the state of my thought or neither? Therefore you don’t really have...

The Art and the Artist is it the thing created or the state of my thought or neither? Therefore you don’t really have...
Juicy Mirror Man Hobbits in mystical Benders, comes with a crystal ball. Druids are nice people! Who needs a list?....
‘Welcome No-Self Food’ Savouring ~ Do What You Can Getting It Together Dhamma anarchist. Was That day ~ the Beatitudes...
The Rishikesh Yogi Mafia Free from the Mind trip ~ the Mind always tellin you what to do That is the ultimate dream...
Don Quixote vision of a marvelous Impulse Always Keep high no abusing if using Boggling the Mind ~ Boggling the Crown...
‘Burnout Man’ It’s all a dream your Mind is creating for your self each instant. Disciplined to be Happy ~ Everlasting...
Psyche Magic to Experience. Sorcerer’s delight ~ free the Mind, giving unconditional Love Putting the little things,...
‘The Unwritten Book’ They went 'Do Lally' Mr. Foreign Secretary Where is your Conscience? Your Karma is treading on...
Sprouting Cosy Hooks If you Love someone usually means you can’t let them go ~ She Loved it, stimulating lots of...
Sparks of God Oil is the blood of Mother Earth ~ More Earthquakes coming! No lubrication, jelly, easing the rubbing...
‘The Untouchables’ This Royal Dynasty The Mind with its acts of Will Their Lifestyles are Insulting. A Self...
Loyal Dhamma Not Pandemonium’s greeting Sharing in energies Delusions Illusions, Exaggerations Fabulists/ Aim>-...