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Earth Spaceship

Earth Spaceship

Sparks of God
Oil is the blood of Mother Earth ~ More Earthquakes coming!
No lubrication, jelly, easing the rubbing Tectonic plates’ friction!
Harmonic Pachimama living on the 5th dimension and showing us
to go with it or lose it ~ Pushing out your energy in any direction.
Lie down and see how much it unfolds then you see different positions
Have to allow the Soul Frequency to take us over ~ our I AM * Space.
Presence still connected to the Cosmic Spirit Divine ~ Reintegrating
with what’s coming up ~ have to look inside, more you will discover.
You have it all in yourself ~ You are the Earth Spark, unknown code.
All time now ~ changing, waking up, remembering what we‘ve lived.
Out of the BOX, no more Brainwashing, we can go as far as we want.
As OMNI ~ as we want ~ Omnipresence, Omnificent, Omnipotence.
I’m with you in the ONE