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Poetry Articles

Surf Hotel

Surf Hotel Un homme et une femme Lands, of the Mind Beach peaches and greedy man’s need “Forgive me daughter” dans moi tu es une ange * Girl ‘Coitus a tergo’ turns her back to the man Love play Change in ~ Coital positions Younger women show greater readiness to...

Gifts to Other People of this Our Planet

Gifts to Other People of this Our Planet ~~ For Your Birthday I Sent Lovely Vibrations ~~ ~~~ For Your Health I Sent Lovely Vibrations ~~~ ~~ For Your Loss I Sent Lovely VIBRATIONS ~~ ~~ For Your Trusting I Sent Lovely Vibrations ~ ~~ For Your Heart I Send Lovely...

All The Mod Cons!

All The Mod Cons! String Theory ~ ‘We met in Space’ You can fall in it anytime ~ in the now. He went for a walk in the bliss ~ While I rested under a fragrant Frangipani tree. Fanning him and amazing him with the Meaning of Life. Finally he fell in Love ~ lost in the...

Poetry in Motion ~ (not everything has a meaning)

Poetry in Motion ~ (not everything has a meaning) ‘It’s the message that counts not the messenger, the Message’ ‘Love is the message ~ the Message is Unconditional LOVE’ “I’ll go down with my Bubbles” Bubbling ~ Consciousness of the Planet ~ You can’t STOP IT. Enjoy...