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Cosmic Cards Articles

Le Sensorial Imagination ~ Enchantment & Inspiration

Le Sensorial Imagination ~ Enchantment & Inspiration. Who Am I; A Human? Was he taking any Psyche active drugs? Yes something Original; Taking a tablet of 365*, for the Brain! Observing the Sub Conscious ~ Art showing Separate Realities Your Self ~ seeing through...

Astral Earth + Crossline

Astral Earth + Crossline 2nd chakra sharing, 3rd chakra, Power, 4th is Prana Heart ~ open emotional flow ~ 5th 6th 7th chakras of Total Acceptance. You give and take ~ Happening on an unconscious Level. Point of suffering ~ Paranoia is Horizontal. No ego ~ gateway to...

My Exquisite Muse

My Exquisite Muse Sometimes just gotta swallow it, just not worth the aggravation. Playing, cat & mouse with you brilliantly. She’s Queen Mandy. ADHD & full on MDMA; K line, alluring meow meow, THC. Which bewitching path are you leading me down twinkling...

‘Wake & Bake’

‘Wake & Bake’ “We’re all rattlin’ around in the same cages being Guided “The Rock comes to you” Smacks you in the face….sorry! The Rock comes to your realisation ~ Jedi Knights practicing as a legal Canadian Religion! Here the Psytrance Temple’s sending out 144...