Vertigoing Jumping 110 floors in 10 seconds, what a choice in an Inferno! Hey, to some they were on their way to Hell...

Vertigoing Jumping 110 floors in 10 seconds, what a choice in an Inferno! Hey, to some they were on their way to Hell...
Not playing in your game Caesar. Systems & goals of dysfunctions, ask Socrates. Ask Gurus sitting on the shore to...
Dutch girls riding bikes I’ve been holding on to this image that I couldn’t ever let go. Too precious, couldn’t...
Climbing Higher Burn the dead vines ~ pruning gives more Space. Karma Program ~ riding moment to moment. 2000 ‘Sage...
The Art and the Artist is it the thing created or the state of my thought or neither? Therefore you don’t really have...
Juicy Mirror Man Hobbits in mystical Benders, comes with a crystal ball. Druids are nice people! Who needs a list?....
‘Welcome No-Self Food’ Savouring ~ Do What You Can Getting It Together Dhamma anarchist. Was That day ~ the Beatitudes...
Changing DNA with a Tweak from the harmonic Cosmos ~ Flip * Lit up the Akashic Records Sound travels atom to atom ~...
Associative Ideas on the Neuro Net Reflections in the mirror of memory ~ Who Am I? Nerve cells rewiring you on a daily...
Blitzed by Bliss Love is extreme imagination, feeling emotional energy. Updating the Psychic net, Access to Mind...
The Psychedelic School of Illumination ‘Unconventional’ Goa - He said, he crashed his Mind Went beyond the gross,...
The Blue Platinum Harbour It got mixed up and Controlled, what the Seers brought over ~ Man made Law is not what every...