‘Mount Kailash’ blowing. At the Axis of the World ~ So sacred it’s never climbed. A sky burial contributes to your...

‘Mount Kailash’ blowing. At the Axis of the World ~ So sacred it’s never climbed. A sky burial contributes to your...
A different Platform Shiva is formless Spirit ~ God is Shiva The beginning of everything You and God are not...
‘The Source of the signal?’ ‘Seemed to becoming from everywhere ~ deep Cosmic space. Never dreamed existed, echoes of...
Cosmic Wisdom One and All * in the Heart Transcending the Ego ~ ‘Unconditional Love is Egoless’ 3 dimensional >...
Orgonite Bonging Just want the Binggggggggg bang ~ have to stay in the fire of transmutation ~ otherwise it will hang...
Heart Vortex View Crossing the Rainbow bridge ~ to the Chakra Universe * Red * Orange * Yellow * Green * Blue * Violet...
The Model I have Nothing to cause problems with other egos. Already living creatively, inspiration and loving freely...
Andromedan Capsules Fear begets Fear…causes > effect If you don’t love it ~ you don’t do it. “You have to let them...
Blooming Diamond Chakras at Manasorovar Compassion’s Lake my Mind’ s quiet, not thinking incessantly; Prayer flags,...
Astral ‘Padmophul’ Petals Perceptual perpetual floating in a golden lily pond Finite body/mind: Immersion into...
“There is No God but God” “Hey Smart Arse!” ‘All this effort for effortlessness ~ Sultan sitting on his golden throne...
Vibrational Intent Reconnect the Ash to the Holy fire. Manifesting it in the physical world Working in the ‘social...