Demo Crazy “Vote for me and I'll decide what parties you can have, celebrating being out at night ~ What freedom is...
Poetry Articles

Honey Moon ~ Sailing by Erupting Venus
Honey Moon ~ Sailing by Erupting Venus Making a Poem ~ like a bowl of Shreddies. Seacliff erosion, Air Mail letters,...

Psychedelic Chandeliers
Psychedelic Chandeliers Baptising a goose in the Garden of Earthly Delights. What does it mean? Whatever you want it...
Honey Pie
Honey Pie Bathing in female energy ~ transmuting, Opening Up like a Pumpkin! You can break out of it. Being ~ Nothing...
“He gave them a bag of weed”
“He gave them a bag of weed” Baked Baba having a Tantric Tantrom! “I’ve already seen the photos of Angkor Wat” “I just...
‘Slave looking in the Mirror’
‘Slave looking in the Mirror’ ‘War is Over If You Want It’ ‘END WAR END WORLD POVERTY’ “Join us and the World will...
Directly If you go with time ~ Picture coming “The thoughts go faster than light” Slowing it down And You Manifest...
Japanese for Lotus
Japanese for Lotus It flowers and seeds at the same time ~ causing & effecting. Instant generation ~ Procreation, “Nam...
‘The Source of the signal?’
‘The Source of the signal?’ ‘Seemed to becoming from everywhere ~ deep Cosmic space. Never dreamed existed, echoes of...
Siren 'Night & day’ ~ Singing to you My Love ~ Night & day Singing to you Love les amants. The Kiss How...
mICROsOCIETY A ‘Blanket Party’!! Everyone gets a Hit, Informal Codes ‘Life’s all about Peoples’ Lives you wouldn’t...
Bodh Gaya, late spring 528 BC
Bodh Gaya, late spring 528 BC Becomes perfectly human, not reacting liberating himself. Modulated into his 1st Jhana...