Tough As! Shiva Valley Energy Core not full of Uncle stag parties! Insatiable, “He was there, couldn't play, too...

Tough As! Shiva Valley Energy Core not full of Uncle stag parties! Insatiable, “He was there, couldn't play, too...
Living It We do not protect our innocent children ~ Don't lock them up, change the hard drive! Sending Love instead of...
ATTACHED SO DEEP “I am quite happy even when shit's flyin.” Anger and suffering. I used it as fuel to help myself, to...
Soul Connected to Source She was projecting on me ~ split, lost her Trust & respect. Asked her for Clearance,...
Even though Talking to the Eyes don’t let it go, Keep Sane, don’t go off the rail, Just be Kind
Quotes of Sri Nisargadatta (N) "We are the creators and creatures of each other, causing and bearing each other's...
“I Love You (Mad donna” Chi ~ what thought can do! “I had to adjust to sharing Diva space” Different worlds have their...
Alchemic Land It’s a Gateway Goa and you gotta go there. The Magick hasn’t finished ~ Instant, in tune. Tantra...
‘Open Party’ My soul has passed through Atlantis, I come from Cosmic being “I was snorkeling in Honduras” at Timothy...
Alternatives Have you ever heard of ‘Spiritual Democracy’? Land by the Sea Astral space in your face A child in your...
Honey Pie Bathing in female energy ~ transmuting, Opening Up like a Pumpkin! You can break out of it. Being ~ Nothing...
“He gave them a bag of weed” Baked Baba having a Tantric Tantrom! “I’ve already seen the photos of Angkor Wat” “I just...