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Everything is now that is Consciousness Spinning in Time

Everything is now that is Consciousness Spinning in Time

“I Love You (Mad donna”
Chi ~ what thought can do!
“I had to adjust to sharing Diva space”
Different worlds have their own language
Common sense tells you about the World ~
I’m rippling on a microscopic level of Unity
Invisible connections of entanglement/with You
Reframe the holistic ~ co*located
No separation just hooking up
Reading your thoughts & emotions
(Government reading emails tapping phone calls!)
Similar Brain Potentials ~ Wake up
How do I want to consciously ‘Create My Day’
‘And day makes me’ Building a neuron net in my brain
Creating our own realities
Collectivity causing mass materialisation
Addicted to the stimuli of the external World!!!
What is Consciousness? <> Awareness (of Self)
Need a name and address of a person to track you!