No Slave * No Master! 'No touching, no photos!' My name is Sperm Avatar ~ Freedom is Courage! You are always Free to...

No Slave * No Master! 'No touching, no photos!' My name is Sperm Avatar ~ Freedom is Courage! You are always Free to...
Fantastic Reality Barefoot jumping around in the uncensored Sun. There's something lovely about butterflies today ~...
Psyche Porn. Want a license to Fuck your brains out? It ain't my Job to make people happy! I am who I am ~ 'Quack...
Welcome Home Goddess You took me back to calm harmony of mind ~ that can be found. Lots of amazing insights in the...
2b 2gether in time ~ Space “I was sat in Chapora at three in the morning ~ Shaking!” Not easy to find normal in Goa ~...
Monsoon Time Visiting my friends here ~ It’s Wet! Maybe I need a girlfriend. She moved out after a week. Cult of...
Rapturous Response Really need a secretary cum Geisha...who can file, type, make coffee serve cakes, look super sexy...
‘Ahimsa’ Completely Selfless, boundless, multi dimensional Compassionate, ‘Concept of a friend’ Openness, Oneness....
“You can cum behind me” “I fell in love with when I saw you eat your Omelet” “You can rub it anywhere just not on my...
Sparkling Sprites.. Living out the details of a Elementals tale. Mermaids ~ you’re in tune with free spirit. Creative...
Sitar & Guitar And he was a Magical guy kept on Experimenting with life. Experimenting with Free Love. ‘People...
Venus & the Star Her walls are (damp, moist) dripping ~ wet! You got to have the point to have the circle. “The...